SteelPhalt Commitment to Innovation
Parker Plant is proud to support SteelPhalt in its commitment to innovation and manufacture of sustainable asphalt products using 95% recycled aggregates with the installation of two new asphalt plants.
SteelPhalt replace traditional quarried aggregates for steel slag, a by-product of the steel making industry.
By utilising steel slag in their asphalt production, SteelPhalt have managed to reduce their carbon footprint by up to 40%.
Parker Plant successfully installed and commissioned a StarMix 4000 static 320 tph asphalt plant in Cardiff, closely followed by a StarMix 1500 static 120 tph asphalt plant in Rotherham.
Both plants were also equipped with recycled asphalt feed systems (RAP), further cementing SteelPhalts commitment to achieving more economical and environmentally acceptable methods of asphalt production.
Julian Smith, Global Strategic Growth Director commented, "we have been really pleased with how both plants have performed and look forward to continuing our close working relationship with Parker Plant".
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